Top Rated Phoenix Estate Planning Lawyer 

With Our Estate Planning Services, Your Heirs Will:

  • Avoid Probate Court
  • Get Access More Quickly
  • Keep More of Your Hard-Earned Assets and Valuables
  • Thank You For Not Making Them Go Through Lengthy Legal Processes

Top Rated Estate Planning Attorney Phoenix 

With Our Estate Planning Services, Your Heirs Will:

  • Avoid Probate Court
  • Get Access More Quickly
  • Keep More of Your Hard-Earned Assets and Valuables
  • Thank You For Not Making Them Go Through Lengthy Legal Processes

Top Rated Estate Planning Attorney Phoenix

Ask Your Estate Planning Questions:

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highly experienced estate planning lawyer PhoenixAvoiding probate court is our principal goal in our services to you. Probate is the process of legally establishing the validity of a will before judicial authority and settling the estate and belongings of the deceased, making sure any remaining will is valid and distributing assets to those listed on the will. Probates typically include:

• Having property appraised

• Paying debts and taxes

• Proving in court that a deceased person’s will is valid

• Identifying and inventorying the deceased person’s property, and

• Distributing the remaining property as the will instructs.

highly experienced estate planning lawyer PhoenixAvoiding probate court is our principal goal in our services to you. Probate is the process of legally establishing the validity of a will before judicial authority and settling the estate and belongings of the deceased, making sure any remaining will is valid and distributing assets to those listed on the will. Probates typically include:

• Having property appraised

• Paying debts and taxes

• Proving in court that a deceased person’s will is valid

• Identifying and inventorying the deceased person’s property, and

• Distributing the remaining property as the will instructs.

Finding, securing, and managing your assets may take anywhere from a few months to a year. Once all debts are settled, the courts will grant the executor permission to divide what remains to certain people or organizations mentioned in the will.

Probates are rarely a plus for your beneficiaries. It will always cost them money and time. If your estate will have complicated problems that can’t easily be paid with the property you left, it would be a wise decision to look into a probate.

Your estate planning attorney Phoenix can help you with many different types of trusts including living trusts (inter vivos trusts), spendthrift trusts, testamentary trusts, special needs trusts, and irrevocable life insurance trusts, etc. Estate planning is preparing to avoid probate if at all possible. We use various documents to help in this process: beneficial deeds, three forms of powers of attorney, wills, and trusts if needed. These are much less expensive and time consuming than probate.

You do want to avoid probate if at all possible due to the higher costs and longer waiting times to have your assets dispensed. Do your heirs the favor of avoiding probate. If you don’t want your hard-earned assets to end up where they don’t belong, proper estate planning is essential, especially in modern times. Call us today at 602-989-1759 if you’re looking for the highly experienced, top rated Phoenix estate planning lawyer . We can help your heirs avoid the costs and delays that probate could require. Ask about our specially priced estate planning packages!

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